
ninjas? wait... what? where did that come from?

When dealing with real world assets, we have to take tokenomics very seriously and don't have room to create intricate and arbitrary promotional dynamics such as giveaways and airdrops. Be that as it may, we would like to take advantage of the benefits experienced by many tokens and projects in this space that are not "very serious" and run off memes. $NINJA is our attempt to merge both.

The need for serious and deliberate token dynamics is because for most of our target users, their home is the most valuable and serious asset that they are entrusting our protocol to turn into a blockchain token. In architecting a modular and flexible system our patterns are really asset agnostic, meaning it can be applied to simple and mundane items such as your shirt, shoes or even cat 🐈 and $NINJA embodies our efforts to focus on these kinds of items by ultimately allowing you to bring them into the web3 metaverse and use them in games. To give an illustration of how we imagine our ecosystem working for our meme gameFi token it is helpful to understand the dynamics behind the very popular game Fortnite and specifically it's use in cross-over avatars knows as skins, it's cross-platform play, currency V-Bucks and extensive mini-game ecosystem. We aim to use these same dynamics in that your NFT is usable across multiple games with a shared currency in which developers will be incentivized to build into.

How this incorporates into RWAs is to empower users to digitize their possessions to use in-game. Imagine using your cat as a weapon in a game of rock paper scissors, or have your avatar wear your favorite shirt in the lobby or perform your own dance or action (emote) to be used in a game.

Also the digital / physical crossover will literally empower people to "bet the farm" so to speak and wager their tokens representing items with not just digital worth, but real world value in the metaverse. Just like the continental railroad started from both the east and west coasts, by starting at both edges of the RWA ecosystem from trivial to serious we can take into account the entire ecosystem and see which side helps gain traction and users.

While we aren't necessarily in "stealth" as many startups would classify it we are stealthily developing our protocol, sharpening our skills and code until we are ready to take the world by storm.

Become one with the token. Become a 🥷


Website: legt.ninja

Telegram: @legtninja

Twitter: @legtninja

Discord: #rock-paper-ninja

Email: iam@legt.ninja

Smart Contract: 0x1e4592Cad8B96358778c23d133AAA50Ec3A411Ee

Lite White Paper

Token Contract Standard

Locked Liquidity via FlokiFi

Last updated