
instant real liquidity

Physical assets have long been deemed as "illiquid" because the process associated with making them liquid has been very cumbersome.

With our tools and processes we will make this accessible to anyone that is willing to spend the blockchain fees associated with minting tokens, which will vary per chain.

In connecting the NFT to an Asset Token we can supply an Automated Market Maker (C³A²M²) contract with both with the Asset Token and Stable Token (USD) to offer to all token holders the ability to liquidate up to a certain percentage of the asset's value.

These pools will provide benefits such as:

  • ongoing price discovery as the price will change with each buy or sale

  • fractional reserve liquidity ie 20% of an asset available in cash

  • price pegging upon creation of pool with buy back functionality

  • hooks into other products such as mortgages, HELOCs & title loans etc

L£GT ĐAO will specialize in offering a tailored experience to assets we find attractive, but will not restrict other assets from being listed on the platform. In doing so we will offer open & permissionless RWA minting and liquidity provisioning that will allow anyone to create their own stable token ecosystem, backed by real world assets.

From a technical standpoint, we will do this by integrating Balancer V3 Liquidity Pools with a roadmap to create cross-chain cross-asset automated market makers ie C³A²M²s

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